Homework Policy

Homework is an important part of the learning process. Homework is defined as school related assignments made by a teacher which will require time and effort outside of the regular class period for successful completion. The purpose of homework is to reinforce classroom learning and/or prepare for the next day's class and new learning. Homework will be reasonable in scope and students are expected to complete homework independently unless stated otherwise by the teacher. The Student Planner should be used to record assignments. Parents should check the Student Planner daily for information about assignments and due dates. Expect homework nightly on a regular basis.

Students who have been absent are responsible for making up all the homework and assignments missed during the absence. Students should ask their teachers for their assignments when they return from an absence or call a class buddy during the absence for class assignments.

Students are expected to:

  1. Complete the Rancho Planner daily for each academic subject

  2. Develop regular study habits and the self-discipline basic to learning and working independently

  3. Complete their homework assignments and return them when on time

  4. Learn to plan their time effectively

  5. Utilize learning resources outside of school such as the public library and Internet.

Make-up assignments following an absence

The student has the responsibility to make arrangements with the classroom teacher for make-up work.

  1. Work assigned or tests given during an absence: A student will be allowed one (1) day for each day of an excused absence. However, the student whose first day of absence is the day of the test should plan to take the test on the day they return to class. Additional time may be given at the classroom teacher’s discretion.

  2. Work assigned prior to an absence: Assignments made prior to an absence will be given no additional time and are due on the day the student returns to class. Additional time may be given at the classroom teacher’s discretion.