Student Enrichment

Please check out these great extra - curricular activities! 

lunchtime activities 2024-2025

list of activities w/dates


Middle  School Programs - City of Irvine

The goal of the Middle School Program is to engage youth in positive social-recreational activities during non-school hours. Students are encouraged to participate in program activities that focus on community service, personal skill development, and social recreation.  Services are provided in cooperation with the Irvine Unified School District.

Check out these fun activities run through the City of Irvine - Middle School Programs.

Middle School Programs | City of Irvine

Contact: Trevor Landrigan:


Academic Teams

Math Counts Team - Contact: Mrs. Liz Gastelum - 949-936-6555

Science Olympiad Team - Contact: Ms. Paige Morris - 949-936-6550

Spelling Bee - Pam Lockliear - 949-936-6515


Homework Huddle 24/25

Need extra help on homework? Maybe you'd just like a quiet place to study. Come check out Homework Huddle!

Homework Huddle will start September 16th! 

This afterschool homework help is available from 3:05 PM to 4:05 PM on the following days of the week:

Mondays in G2 with Mrs. Hartmann

Tuesdays & Thursdays with Mrs. Smith in F3.
