School Site Council

School Site council

Our School Site Council is a combination of elected parents, students, and staff who meet on a regular basis to discuss all facets of the Rancho experience. 
The Council meets four times a year and offers oversight and insight to our school goals and programs.  Once per year, the Council does a walkthrough of all classrooms on campus, and then they share out their observations among the group.  

School Site Council Meetings:

Monday October 7th: 3:15pm - 4:15pm
Monday February 3rd: 1:45pm - 3:30pm
Monday March 10th: 3:15pm - 4:15pm
Monday May 5th: 3:15pm - 4:15pm



Elections for school site council are held at the beginning of each school year. If you are interested in participating on our School Site Council, please email by 3:00pm on Friday, September 8th. In your email, please include your name, your child’s name, and grade. Please also include 2-3 sentences about yourself and why you would like to be involved in Rancho’s School Site Council.  Voting will take place online the following week.


Single Plan for student achievement (SPSA)

Rancho's SPSA Plan

TItle 1

Parent Engagement Policy

Home School Compact

Homework Compact