

Students are required by law to attend school regularly. Attendance will be taken and reported to the office each class period. Every absence from school MUST be cleared by a parent or guardian. Absences may be cleared by calling the 24-hour Voice Mail ATTENDANCE LINE (949) 936-6501. When you call the attendance line, it is necessary to include the following information:

a.student’s full name (spelling last name) of absence

c.specific reason for absence of parent/guardian


If a student has an excused absence, they will be able to make up any missed work upon their return. If you know of an excused absence prior to the actual absence date, please inform the office.


Excused Absences are granted for:

  • Personal illness
  • Doctor or dentist appointment
  • Death of immediate family member/funeral service
  • IUSD recognized religious holiday

*For a full list of excused absences, please visit


Students with three or more unexcused absences or a total of ten absent days altogether will receive a Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) letter which will put the student’s attendance on watch for the remainder of the year.


Make-up assignments following an absence

1.The student has the responsibility to make arrangements with the classroom teacher for make-up work.

A. Work assigned or tests given during an absence: A student will be allowed one (1) day for each day of an excused absence. However, the student whose first day of absence is the day of the test should plan to take the test on the day they return to class. Additional time may be given at the classroom teacher’s discretion.

B. Work assigned prior to an absence: Assignments made prior to an absence will be given no additional time and are due on the day the student returns to class. Additional time may be given at the classroom teacher’s discretion.

C. Under unusual circumstances, the principal has the authority to extend all the above time schedules or waive any portion of the above restrictions.

2.Students shall be allowed to complete all assignments and tests missed which can reasonably be provided following an excused absence. An assignment that cannot be made up may either be excused, or an alternate assignment may be given.

3.Students may be allowed to complete school work missed during an unexcused absence at the discretion of the classroom teacher.


The teacher of any class from which a pupil is suspended may require the suspended pupil to complete assignments and tests missed during the suspension. (CA Ed Code 48913)


Short-Term Independent Study Contracts:

Independent Study is a voluntary optional alternative instructional strategy for students who plan to be away from school for a minimum of 5 days and no longer than 14 days. Independent Study contracts must be signed/dated by parent, student, administrator and teacher before contract starts. Parent/ Guardian must request an Independent Study Contract 5 days in advance of extended absence from their child’s counselor.


Tardy Policy

Students are responsible for being on time to school and to each class period. On time means students are seated and with their materials out when the tardy bell rings. Once a student arrives at school, they must remain on campus until dismissed.

If the student is tardy to school, they are to report to the front office for a tardy slip. Students coming from a medical or dental appointment must bring a note from the doctor’s office.

When students are kept after class by a teacher, they should obtain a written pass before they go to their next class. If they do not have a note from a teacher, they will be marked tardy.


Period Tardy: A student late to a class period is subject to the teacher’s progressive discipline policy. If period tardies become excessive, a teacher may refer the student to the Assistant Principal where the below consequences will apply.

**Students who choose to come late to school multiple times will be subject to the following:

o 3+ Tardies – Student Conference with the Assistant Principal

o 5+ Tardies – Lunch or After School Detention and phone call


o 10+ Tardies – Parent Conference and SARB Letter

o 25+ Tardies - Saturday School



Students who need to be dismissed from school early must notify their teacher ahead of time. When the parent/guardian arrives in the Front Office, a pass will be sent for the student’s dismissal. Students must be signed out in the office by a person listed on the student’s contacts screen before leaving campus.
