Dress Code

Rancho students are required to attend school and school activities dressed in a manner that is conducive to a positive learning environment. Appropriate school dress and personal appearance are clean, are not hazardous to student safety, and do not disrupt instruction. To demonstrate respect for yourself, your fellow students, and the academic environment, please dress in professional student attire. Just like we would expect professionals to dress appropriately for work, we expect students to dress professionally for school. For safety reasons, shoes must be worn at all times.

Students must refrain from wearing the following unacceptable clothing items:

  • Clothing with gang affiliation

  • Clothing with racially, ethnically, or sexually degrading slogans/images

  • Clothing with inappropriate, obscene, or profane language

  • Clothing which exposes undergarments

  • Clothing displaying or referring to illegal activities, substances or violence

  • Tops with no straps or halter-style tops

  • Tops that do not remain in contact with waistline of bottoms (bare midriffs)