School Site Council / English Language Advisory Council Interest
We are looking for 2-4 parents (Hybrid or IVA) who are interested in joining the Rancho School Site Council (SSC) and English Language Advisory Council (ELAC). The Council meets three - four times a year and offers oversight and insight to our school goals and programs. It is a great way to know more about Rancho and help to ensure that our entire community is engaged in supporting all of our students. If you are interested, please email SofiaHibbs@iusd.org by Tuesday 9/22 with your name, your child’s name and his/her grade, as well as 2-3 sentences about who you are and why you want to be involved in Rancho’s SSC/ELAC council. Voting for SSC/ELAC members will be held virtually 9/25 - 10/2.