Emergency Distance Learning Begins
Dear Rancho Community,
Today (Wednesday, March 18) we will begin “Emergency Distance Learning” (EDL). Our goal with EDL is to provide the opportunity for your student to stay connected and continue their learning. To support you and your student, please review all the recommended expectations, tips and resources as we embark on this new kind of learning opportunity together.
EDL Schedule
It is our hope that students engage in learning every day. Our teachers have been deliberate in their planning so that students are not overwhelmed. These opportunities should be accomplished independently and in a reasonable amount of time. That being said, feel free to support your child in the process, as this is new to all of us! Our teachers will be reaching out to their families directly with guidelines and expectations for EDL this morning. Please remember that our staff – like you – is working to manage a “new norm” working remotely. Your patience and understanding as we develop and refine communication systems and rhythms is appreciated.
Home Schedule
We realize that this is a new norm that we are all adjusting to. We are asking for your support in providing structure at home that facilities time for learning. Here are some suggested expectations to support you:
- Create a daily schedule that designates time for learning.
- As much as possible, we do not want students using their phones to complete work – as much as possible, EDL is meant to be done on a computer. Please use the district Chromebook check out form if you need access to a Chromebook. COVID-19 FAQ’s on the IUSD website.
- Due to high-demand across the country, we have very limited hotspots available to support families who do not have internet at home. Our Support Center has information on free and low-cost internet options for families. If these options will not work for your family, or if your family needs additional support, please have them complete the Technology Access Form.
- Establish a learning space at home in a location free from distraction.
- Include breaks and snacks as well as time for check-in about their level of stress/emotional health.
- Have conversations about what they are learning and feedback on how it’s going.
- PE is including daily exercise in their lessons – this is great time for students to get their wiggles out!
- Breakfast and lunch are available for pick up or drive through at district locations from 11am-1pm daily. COVID-19 FAQ’s on the IUSD website.
Student Support
Your teachers will be available for communication as they would on any school day. Please use our Rancho Staff Directory, or other means your teachers may typically communicate through. Our Counselors are available to support students and are staying connected, as well. Please reach out to Mrs. Arushi Amadi (7th) or Mrs. Sheray McKeown (8th), as needed.
As you are well aware, our middle school students vary developmentally in their level of independence, social and emotional well-being, and ability to manage unstructured time and stress. While we are being very cognizant to not overwhelm them, we want to be proactive and anticipate support for you in the event that it becomes too overwhelming, for whatever reason, at home. Below are some resources that might be helpful:
- Tools for Self-Care: Self-care Toolkit at Gritx.org
- Tips for Managing Anxiety and Stress: How Centers for Disease Control Help Page for Managing Anxiety and Stress Over the Coronavirus
- How to talk to Children about COVID-19: For “Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource”, go to Talking to Children About COVID-19 or https://bit.ly/3d71VgT
- Tips for coping with stress: SAMHSA Fact Sheet with tips for coping with stress during an infectious disease outbreak: Coping With Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks
- Helpful coping strategies: Coping Strategies
- 30 Activities we can do for our emotional health: 30ThingsWeCanDoForOurEmotionalHealthSELResourceSheet.pdf
Seeking Community Mental Health Providers
As a reminder, please access your regular mental health provider for support. If you have private insurance, consider calling your carrier for a referral list that matches your child’s needs.
For those who are seeking alternatives, here are some on-line therapy options:
- Good Therapy: https://www.goodtherapy.org
- Talkspace: https://www.talkspace.com
- BetterHelp: https://www.betterhelp.com
The above list is not a comprehensive list of providers in Orange County and is NOT a formal referral from IUSD. Please use discretion in selecting a mental health provider.
Please know that your Rancho family is here for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact Assistant Principal Sofia Hibbs at sofiahibbs@iusd.org or Principal Mike Modeer at mikemodeer@iusd.org at any time.
We will send out updates as things evolve. For district updates, please use IUSD COVID-19 Resource Page.
Thank you for your continued support and flexibility at this time.
Mike Modeer
Rancho San Joaquin Middle School