OC Mock Trial: Informational Meeting at Rancho!

At lunch in room ^3 with Mr. Gharadaghian
pic of group
May 17, 2022

The OC Mock Trial defending champions are looking for new team members! University High School Mock Trial will be holding an interest meeting in Mr. Gharadaghian’s room on May 17th during lunch. 

Mock trial is a simulation of the American judicial system in which high school students present a court case for real judges and attorneys. Members of the team assume the roles of pretrial attorneys, trial attorneys, and courtroom witnesses to portray a convincing argument in the trial proceedings. Students actively experience the excitement of working in teams, exchanging ideas, and public speaking as they prepare their prosecution and defense cases for the competition. The University High School Mock Trial Team is the defending county champion and has won awards at the county and state levels. One of the most successful clubs on campus, the team offers an abundance of opportunities. Mock Trial has become a home for many of the members at UNI and we are beyond excited to welcome the incoming freshmen.

More information regarding the tryouts and competition will be presented. Anyone who is interested, even in the slightest, is encouraged to attend. We look forward to meeting you all!