Yearbook Distribution Today

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

YEARBOOKS: Wednesday, June 6th

Yearbooks will be distributed in Advisement to all students who have pre-purchased them. There have been several yearbook sales and they can still be purchased for $65 until June 3rd at The cost to purchase any extras on/after June 6th will be $70.00. Because yearbooks are an important treasure of our Rancho days, all students should ensure that their name is clearly written on their yearbook, in permanent marker, and that the books are not left unsupervised. Rancho is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged yearbooks. Any student vandalizing and/or making inappropriate comments on another student’s yearbook will be held responsible for repairing or replacing the yearbook and may lose one or more end of the year privileges. Yearbooks will be held until any/all textbooks fines are paid.